VWIB 2024/2025 Board Members

  • Cindy Koleba | President

  • Nikki Gillingham | Vice President and Communications Director

  • Mikkie Pollon-Nettles | Past-President

  • Kate Dauphinee | Membership Director

  • Jenny McCrae | Treasurer

  • Karen Riordan | Webmaster

  • Violet Vosper | Secretary and Events Director

Our History: Recognizing Outstanding Women in Business in Vernon

  • From 1988-2017, Vernon Women in Business honoured a Woman of the Year each year, nominated by her peers.

    Winners include:

    2016: Juliette Cunningham

    2014: Joanne Kineshanko

    2013: Ruth Hoyte

    2012: Mary Williamson

    2011: Min Sidhu

    2010: Shelley Haslett

    2009: Barrita Durward

    2008: Carole Wutzke

    2007: Michele Blais

    2006: Val Heuman

    2005: Carole Benz

    2004: Marlene Stark

    2003: Carol Williams

    2002: Phyllis Simon

    2001: Marie Fleming

    2000: Ann Powter

    1999: Betty Selin

    1998: Liz McArthur

    1997: Jane Lister

    1996: Joan Jacobi

    1995: Ruth Wolfe

    1994: June Rigby

    1993: Donna Mihalcheon

    1992: Colleen Vollan

    1991: Hedi Lattey

    1990: Claudette Everitt

    1989: Daphne Thuillier

    1988: Jean Koening

If you have more information about the History of the Woman of the Year award that you would like to share with us, please send us an email.