Violet Vosper

Violet Vosper Consulting

Violet has been working in business development for twenty-five years. A start-up veteran working in e-commerce, game development, virtual currency monetization, and software development, who has helped start-up companies succeed on a global scale.

A board member for Women in Games Vancouver (WIGeh), as well as a Founder for the Montreal chapter (WIGI MTL), Violet worked with other women in tech to bring visibility to STEM careers for women and girls through outreach events, networking and mentoring. Violet has hosted and organized networking events internationally, recruiting talent and educating developers on emerging business models in tech. More recently, Violet has moved back to the area to be reunited with family and enjoy the natural beauty of the North Okanagan. Violet is passionate about all aspects of business organization and strategy, and is excited to work with local business owners and connect them with the support offered by Community Futures North Okanagan.